Sunday, November 18, 2007


In the ER today... 16 hours in the ER.

The good news: we were cleared on IV sticks this past Monday so I was able to get a lot of practice today.

The bad news: missed my first eight IV starts on real people before I got one patent line in.

(Good news again: I got five in a row after that... I'm on a streak!!)

Things were good and the nurses I was working with were very nice and very helpful. Entirely willing to teach... That is, until the end of the day, at 11:30PM when I went to get all my skills and attendance verification sheets signed by the Charge nurse... who said, "Who are you? I've never seen you before!"

Let me tell you -- If you want to beat your head against the f---ing wall, work 16 straight; performing skills and walking past someone all day and have them say that to you. I was about to deck her. She actually refused to sign any of my sheets! (I was able to get the nurse I was working with to sign me off, but technically, the charge nurse is the one who supposed to take care of that.) I really don't understand... it seems only in nursing that you find so many wonderful people doing a job, and yet... just as many bitches doing the exact same job.

I apologize for my use of profanity, but it's hard to convey my frustration to be on the receiving end of undeserved treatment like that after I spend so many hours of my Saturday (unpaid!) working my hardest to learn, doing my best to treat the patients and staff as respectfully as I can, and just generally being helpful... And all for what would have amounted to 15 seconds signing my forms.

A terrible end to an otherwise decent day.

I just hope that a good night's sleep and a day off will cure my newly instilled despair.


Anonymous said...

get used to it, pal.
haha, just keep gettin the nurses to sign you off, dont worry about the charge nurse signing it - just DO NOT FORGE SIGNATURES!!

Two more cents for ya from


AdCy said...

I like your blog!
I hated the RN's in medic school...I think I did beat my head into the wall a few times...